Thank You To Our Lush Krewe

To our Lush Krewe,  💗

We hope y’all are staying well and healthy. It has been a crazy year of disappointment, sorrow and uncertainty. 2020 is a year we will never forget.
We want to thank you for your support. Launching this company in Spring of 2019 has been such a pleasure because of all of you and it has helped to get us through this time.

Thriving in this pandemic has been challenging. The work that we do has become more important than ever- that is:
1. Making y’all smile & laugh
2. Reducing single use plastics (move to zero)
3. Giving back to the community

We work hard to make sure when you visit our social media you smile and laugh. Our page has become a non-judgement zone, creative outlet for us and our products are created to put a little sparkle in your ‘day drink ;)!’

Everyday we’re striving to make your coffee, cocktail, or smoothie shine.

While this pandemic has made it more difficult to reduce the use of plastic, the use of our straws replace the use of a single use plastic straw. We can feel good about that!

Giving back to the community occurred through our October collaboration with the Louisiana Cancer Prevention, the LSU Health Foundation and the Louisiana Breast and Cervical Health Program. Ladies! This organization is doing great things and providing free breast and cervical screenings to those in need.  

Succeeding in these efforts is because of your support. We’re grateful beyond measure!

Whether you visit our page and give us a like, purchase our straws to support a woman owned business, purchase our straws to reduce plastic waste or to donate to our charity, we see you- cheers! Cari and Kassie of Lush Straws will drink to that!

Stay Lush,💋


sip more | less wasted 


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